Monday, August 20, 2012

Take two.

Shorter than my first post, this one is mainly a thank you - to those who read my first post last Friday and to those who are sending me virtual hugs, words of support and comfort and positive thoughts. I'm very glad that many took my message to heart, understanding that life is way too short to take anything for granted.

Perhaps it is simply the wonder of technology, but I am repeatedly amazed - daily - how connected I feel to my PLN, even though I am here and you are all out there. I cannot imagine having to endure this with only the telephone and mail delivery once per day to feel the love and support from all of you.

Today I wrote the words I will say at Rob's memorial service on Wednesday. It was very difficult to capture 5 1/2 years in a few paragraphs, but it was somewhat cathartic. Even though he's gone, my memories of him and our time together will live on.

Again, I thank you all.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cyndie,
    I think it's one of the hardest things in life, that those that we love the most - soul mates, parents, children - bring such crushing pain to us when we lose them...and yet we wouldn't want to miss one minute with them or risk not having that love in the first place!

    I know that there will be such times of sadness and grief ahead for you, but your bravery and gratefulness about what Rob brought to your life is an inspiration to us all!

    I'm glad that you have the comfort of some great memories and the support of family, friends and a great PLN!

